SEFER Center awards grants to support research projects in multiple disciplines on Russian Jewry. The subject of the research may comprise different aspects of Jewish history and culture within the territory of former Russian Empire during various historical periods from the ancient times till post-soviet contemporary period. The grant covers the entire variety of humanitarian and social areas (history, literature, linguistics, art history, education, philosophy, religion studies, sociology, political science etc.), as well as interdisciplinary studies. The Center provides researchers, teachers and PhD students with financial support for implementation of academic researches, preparation of monographs, articles and dissertation theses.
The competition is open for researchers from Russia and abroad, including Europe, USA Canada, Israel and Australia.
This project has been made possible with the support of Genesis Philanthropy Group.
Two types of research grants are open for applications:
а) Faculty Research Grants for the researchers with academic degree. The grant amount – 600 000 rubles (approx. $ 8000).
b) Post-Graduate Students Research Grants for the PhD students and researchers without academic degree. The grant amount – 450 000 rubles (approx. $ 6000).
The grants cover following expenditures: work at Russian and foreign archives and libraries to collect materials needed for the study (compensation of consular fees, travel and accommodation expenses, photocopy, as well as payments to invited experts, which cannot exceed 25% of the grant). Participation in international meetings and conferences on the chosen subject (compensation of travel and accommodation expenses and conference registration fees). Other events or activities, connected with the study.
Proposals must be submitted by Marсh, 31, 2021. Proposals submitted after the deadline will not be reviewed. Decisions will be announced by May, 15, 2021.
Each proposal must include the following:
1. Complete proposal form Download grant proposal form and grant agreement
2. Curriculum Vitae (up to 3 pages including main publications on the subject)
3. Short writing sample (full text of one of the latest publications on the subject-up to 20 pages). PhD students may provide an essay.
4. Two recommendation letters addressed directly to the Center (for PhD students and researchers without PhD)
The grantees are expected to complete their projects within two years after announcement of the decision – till May, 15, 2023.
The grant report should include:
• A meaningful summary of research and educational work carried out under the Grant during the reporting period, indicating specific kinds and the time periods during which they were conducted.
• A list and the full texts, of any academic works (articles, monograph chapters, dissertation sections, etc.), as well as well as field or archive materials on the subject matter of the Project published or prepared for publication with support from the Grant. If the work is not published, a draft copy shall be provided.
• At least one paper published or accepted for publication in peer-reviewed journals indexed in Scopus, WoS or VAK publication list during the period since May 2021 until May 2023.
• At least one paper submitted for publication in one of Center’s academic journals and annuals (“Judaic-Slavic Journal”; “Tirosh. Jewish, Slavic & Oriental Studies”; “Slavic & Jewish Cultures: Dialogue, Similarities, Differences”) during the period since May 2021 until May 2023.
Texts of articles should not duplicate each other.
• At least one publication in a popular science publication / media / podcast dedicated to the topic of the research project.
• Presentation of the results of your research as one public free lecture (online or offline) as part of the summer, winter schools on Jewish studies or webinars conducted by the Center.
• In light of the Competition condition requiring submission by the Recipient of the primary results of its research Project at international conferences held by the Center during the period since May 2021 until May 2023.
Any research papers published with the support of the grant must include an acknowledgement:
“This work was supported by the SEFER Center International grant for the research on history and culture of Russian Jewry in different historical periods. This grant is provided within the program “Academic Jewish Studies in the FSU”, which has been made possible with the support of Genesis Philanthropy Group”.
The winners of the competition receive the grant as a single payment of the total amount of the grant approved by the SEFER Independent Committee.
The funds will be transferred based on a written agreement between SEFER and the competition winner within 10 days since the agreement has been signed by both parties.
The scans of the required documents may be sent in advance via email sefer.center@gmail.com; the paper versions must be sent subsequently to the Center of Judeo-Slavic Studies, the RAS Institute of Slavic studies, 32 A, Leninsky Prospect, bld 2. r.808, 119334 Moscow, Russia.
Your questions are welcome at sefer.center@gmail.com
Contact persons: Irina Kopchenova.