
Guest Lecture - Dvorkin, 2024

Philosophy of Love and Aesthetics of Hermann Cohen and His Russian Disciples

10 December, 2024

Философия любви и эстетика Германа Когена и его русских учеников
Commemorating the 300th Anniversary of the Birth of Immanuel Kant

Lecture by Ilya Dvorkin
(The lecture will be given in Russian)

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For many, Hermann Cohen appears as a dry pedant, a scientistic philosopher who saw the task of thought solely as refining the physical-mathematical natural sciences. This unfair assessment is due to the changing era at the end of Cohen's life and Heidegger's biased critique of his philosophy. However, Cohen was a figure of Renaissance magnitude, although he did not live during the Renaissance but rather at a time of the breakdown and collapse of European civilization. Cohen’s philosophy signifies a re-evaluation not only of Kant but also of Plato, Nicholas of Cusa, Spinoza, and Leibniz, along with a renewed return to the roots of biblical thought. In this context, attention should be paid to Cohen’s new philosophy of love, which is evident in several of his works. Equally important is the examination of how this theme was developed in the works of Cohen’s disciples and followers during the later period of his career. For many, Cohen's philosophy of love became the key to creating a new aesthetics and philosophy of religion. In this presentation, we will primarily explore the concepts of Kagan, Bakhtin, Rubinstein, and Pasternak. It is also essential to compare these ideas with the philosophy of Cohen’s German disciple, Franz Rosenzweig. Cohen’s philosophy of love holds particular significance in his understanding of aesthetics and literary theory. After a period of neglect in the mid-20th century, the study of Cohen saw a sharp resurgence in the 1970s under the influence of the so-called "Hegelian Renaissance" (a term coined by Heinrich Levy). Over the past 50 years, Cohen and his school have attracted the attention of hundreds of scholars, allowing us to pose new questions and offer new answers.

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Guest Lecture - Vidgof, 2024

А Poem by Osip Mandelshtam “I have been given a body – what should I do with it...” (1909): Comparison with Jewish Religious Texts and Fyodor Sologub’s Verses

1 December, 2024

Стихотворение Осипа Мандельштама «Дано мне тело – что мне делать с ним…» (1909) в сопоставлении с еврейскими религиозными текстами и стихами Федора Сологуба

Lecture by Leonid Vidgof
(The lecture will be given in Russian)

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Leonid Vidgof is an independent researcher, formerly an associate of the Mandelshtam Centre of the Philology Department at the Faculty of Humanities of the Research University “Higher School of Economics” (Moscow). His select book publications include: Kotova M., Lekmanov O., Vidgof L., In the Labyrinths of a Mystery Novel. A Commentary on the Novel by V.P. Kataev “My Diamond’s Crown” (first edition 2004, second edition 2023); Vidgof L., “But I Love My Bitch-Moscow.” Osip Mandelshtam: Poet and City (2012); Mandelshtam O.E., Complete Collection of Works and Letters. Application: Chronicle of Life and Creativity, compiled by A.G. Mets with the participation of S. Vasilenko, L. Vidgof, D. Zubarev, E. Lubyannikova, P. Mitsner, S. Subbotin (some editions); Vidgof L., Articles about Mandelshtam (second edition, corrected and expanded, 2015); Vidgof L., Akhtimneevo and Surroundings. Poetry (2016); Vidgof L., Mandelshtam and… Archival Materials. Articles for the Encyclopedia. Works on Mandelshtam’s Poetry and Prose (2018); Vidgof L., Osip Mandelshtam from Different Angles. Articles (2021).

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Guest Lecture - Zakharkiv 2024

The Interfaces of Contemporary Russophone Poetry: The Updated Communication Parameters

8 July, 2024

Lecture by Ekaterina Zakharkiv
(The lecture will be given in Russian)

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The defining feature of contemporary poetry is an increased attention to the pragmatics of the message. The Internet influences the activation of the communication function, and metalinguistic reflection in poetry manifests itself through the violation of grammatical norms, the graphic highlighting of pragmatic markers, and the representation of computer interface elements such as messengers, social networks, etc. At the same time, the media interface creates a multiplicity of addressing and influences the strategies of indirect subjectivation that manifest themselves as a result of several shifts (deictic, functional, etc.), allowing us to deal with the updating of the communication parameters of a poetic utterance. This modification involves bringing the communication channel to the fore. Thus, at the present stage, the poetic message is supplemented by new (linguistic and media) means, including interfaces, pseudo-dialogue models characteristic of online correspondence, conversational patterns, and discourse markers used in online communication. We will examine the formal and functional specifics of the poetic text in the online space and the transformation of the poetic function in connection with the change in the channel of its implementation.

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