On some aspects of identification and interpretation of poetic ekphrases ("The Red Room" by Ellis, "Expressionists" by P. Antokolsky)

25 June, 2024
Guest Lecture - Sidorovich 2024

О некоторых аспектах индетификации и интерпретации поэтических экфрасисов
(«Красная комната» Эллиса, «Экспрессионисты» П. Антокольского)

Lecture by Maria Sidorovich
(The lecture will be given in Russian)

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Unlike its understanding in antiquity, poetic ekphrasis among Russian Symbolists and post-Symbolists does not imply a literal description of a work of art. This talk, using the unexamined examples of ekphrasis by Ellis and P. Antokolsky, will demonstrate how certain works of art inspired poets not so much to describe a painting verbatim, but rather to capture the poetic impression of the artwork, its interpretation, and comprehension. This becomes evident when considering the biographical and historical-literary context.