Стихотворение Осипа Мандельштама «Дано мне тело – что мне делать с ним…» (1909) в сопоставлении с еврейскими религиозными текстами и стихами Федора Сологуба
Lecture by Leonid Vidgof
(The lecture will be given in Russian)
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Leonid Vidgof is an independent researcher, formerly an associate of the Mandelshtam Centre of the Philology Department at the Faculty of Humanities of the Research University “Higher School of Economics” (Moscow). His select book publications include: Kotova M., Lekmanov O., Vidgof L., In the Labyrinths of a Mystery Novel. A Commentary on the Novel by V.P. Kataev “My Diamond’s Crown” (first edition 2004, second edition 2023); Vidgof L., “But I Love My Bitch-Moscow.” Osip Mandelshtam: Poet and City (2012); Mandelshtam O.E., Complete Collection of Works and Letters. Application: Chronicle of Life and Creativity, compiled by A.G. Mets with the participation of S. Vasilenko, L. Vidgof, D. Zubarev, E. Lubyannikova, P. Mitsner, S. Subbotin (some editions); Vidgof L., Articles about Mandelshtam (second edition, corrected and expanded, 2015); Vidgof L., Akhtimneevo and Surroundings. Poetry (2016); Vidgof L., Mandelshtam and… Archival Materials. Articles for the Encyclopedia. Works on Mandelshtam’s Poetry and Prose (2018); Vidgof L., Osip Mandelshtam from Different Angles. Articles (2021).