Academic interests: Russian literature of the first third of the 20th century, Russian Realism, Leo Tolstoy
List of publications:
1. Poetika razdrazhenija. Chekhov v konce 80 – nachale 90-h godov. (“The Poetics of Irritation. Chehov in Late 1880ies – Early 1890ies”.) Moscow, 1994, Radix. 400 pp.
2. Poetika razdrazhenija. (“The Poetics of Irritation”). 2nd Edition. Moscow, 2002, Rossijskij Gosudarstvennyj Gumanitarnyj Universitet (Russian State University for Humanities), 370 pp. Revised, with the addition of a new chapter. 6 Chapters.
3. Mir Posle Kontsa. Raboty po russkoj literature XX veka (“The World after Apocalypse. Studies in 20 Century Russian Literature”). Moscow, 2002, Rossijskij Gosudarstvennyj Gumanitarnyj Universitet (Russian State University for Humanities), 510 pp.
4. Degot’ ili Med. Aleksej Tolstoy kak neizvestnyj pisatel’. 1917-1923 (“Tar or Honey”. Alexej Tolstoy as an unknown writer. 1917-1923). Rossijskij Gosudarstvennyj Gumanitarnyj Universitet (RussianState University for Humanities), 2006, 700 pp.
Some Articles
1. “Who’s Buratino? On Marionettes in Russian Prose of the 1920-1930-ies”, in English, in: Marionette Theatre of the Symbolist Era. Edited by Keith Tribble. The Edwin Mellen Press. Lewiston–Queenston–Lampeter, NY, 2002.
2. “Filo- i Antisemitism Alekseja Tolstogo”. Jews and Slavs. Vol. 11. Edited by Wolf Moskovich and Irena Fijalkowska-Janiak. Jerusalem-Gdansk, 2003. Also in: Vestnik Evreiskogo universiteta v Moskve. No. 9 (27). 2004.
3. “Plot’ kak tajnopis’ duxa: Psihoanaliz Akima Volynskogo”. (The Flesh as the Secret Code of the Spirit: A Psychoanalysis of Akim Volynsky). Jews and Slavs. Vol. 14. Edited by W. Moskovich, S. Schwarzband… Festschrift Professor Ilya Serman. Jerusalem-Moscow, 2004.
4. “Rim” kak fiziologicheskij ocherk”. Gogol i Italija. (Papers of The International Conference “Nikolaj Gogol: Uno scrittore tra Russia e Italia”. Rome, 2002). RGGU, 2004.
5. “K semantike chernyh priamougol’nyh figur” (Towards the Semantics of Black Rectangular Figures). Jews and Slavs. Vol. 15. To Honor Savelij Dudakov. Edited by S. Schwarzband et al. Jerusalem, 2004.
6. “Moi derzkij doch’, zachem ty nedovolen?” (My Insolent Daughter, Why Art Thou Displeased?): Russian-Israeli Women Writers. Solnechnoe Spletenie, An international literary and philological journal. Moscow-Jerusalem. No. 7(26). 2004/5765. www.plexus.org.il
7. ”Doch’ kolduna, zakoldovannyi korolevich i vse-vse-vse. Tolstoy i Gumilev”. (The Wizard’s Daughter, The Enchanted Prince and Their Friends: Tolstoy and Gumilev). Solnechnoe Spletenie. Moscow-Jerusalem. No. 8(27). 2004/5765. P.26-47.
8. Alexei Tolstoy i Andrei Belyi. Russian Literature (Amsterdam). LVIII-I/II – 1July-15 August 2005. P. 301-316.
9. Iz kommentariev k “Zolotomu kliuchiku”. (From the Commentaries to “The Golden Key” by A. Tolstoy.) Problemy tekstologii. (Problems of Textology). A collection of scholarly articles. Moscow, RGGU. 2006. 15 pp.
10. Nadezhda Bromley: Metamorpfozy avangardistki. (Nadezda Bromley: an Avant-gardist’s Metamorphoses.) Kharms – avangard. (Materials of the conference “Avant-Garde in Action and in Decline. Belgrade, 2005). Belgrade, 2006.
11. Liubov’ Shaporina v rabote nad operoi “Dekabristy. (Lubov’ Shaporina in the Work on the Opera “The Decembrists”). Dekabristy. Aktual’nye problemy I novye podhody. (The Decembrists. New Problems, Modern Approaches). Edited, compiled by: Olga Kijanskaja et al. Мoscow, RGGU, 2008.
12. Rukopisnaia Gazeta Pervoy Studii MHT kak istochnik po istorii evreyskogo teatra v Rossii. (The Manuscript Newspaper of Art Theater’s First Studio as a Source on Jewish Theater in Russia.) The Gabrieliade. A Festschrift to mark Gabriel Superfin’s 65th Birthday. Ed. by Georgiy Levinton and Nikita Okhotin. Ruthenia. 2008. www.ruthenia.ru/document/545574.html Also in: Mnemozina. Materialy iz istorii russkogo teatra XX veka. Ed. By V. V. Ivanov. Moscow, 2009.
13. “Odna, v plasche vesennej mgly”. K tekstu Sofii Dymshitz v russkoj literature. (“Alone, Cloaked in Spring Dusk”: Towards the Text of Sofia Dymshitz in Russian Literarure) Novoe Literaturnoe Obozrenie, Moscow. No. 91, 2008. 60 pp.
14. “Ja poiu I ja nich’ja”: Sofia Dymshitz i Russkaja Literatura. (“I am Singing, I am Nobody’s”: Sofia Dymshitz and Russian Literature.) Toronto Slavic Quarterly. No. 24. 2008. 80 pp.
15. “V sero-burom Berline”: pis’mo Andreja Belogo A. N. Tolstomu. (“In grey-brown Berlin”: Bely’s Letter to Aleksej Tolstoy. Andrey Bely j v meniaiuschemsia mire. (Andrej Bely in the Changing World). M. RGGU. 2008.
16. K istorii otechesrvennoj nanotekhniki. Il’ia Junitsyn –Prototip Leskovskogo Levshi. (To the History of Russian Nanotechnics. Il’ia Junitsyn – the Prototype of Leskov’s Lefty.) Russkaja pochta (The Russian Post). Belgrade. №1. 2008.
17. Teatral’nyj roman Nadezhdy Bromley. (Nadezhda Bromley’s Theatrical Novel). Bulgakovskij sbornik. Tallinn. 2008. P. 262-284.
18. Eksperimental’nye priemy v “Voine i mire” (Experimental Devices in “War and Peace”). Leo Tolstoy and World Literature. Materials of the VIIth International Conference. Iasnaia Poliana. 2007. Ed. by Galina Alekseeva. Iasnaia Poliana, 2008.
19. “Prevoskhodnye veschi”: Vokrug “Detstva Nikity”. (“Excellent Things”: Around “Nikita’s Childhood”). Toronto Slavic Quarterly No. 28. 2009.
20. “Alioshka” and “Annushka”: K istorii literaturnyh otnosheniy Alekseya Tolstogo i Anny Akhmatovoy. (“Alioshka” and “Annushka”: Towards a History of Literary Relations of Alexey Tolstoy and Anna Akhmatova). Toronto Slavic Quarterly. No.31, 2010.
21. Zvukovye struktury u Tolstogo. (Sound Patterns in Leo Tolstoy.) Materials of VIII International Conference “Leo Tolstoy and World Literature”. 2008. Ed. by Galina Alekseeva. Iasnaia Poliana, 2010.
22. Akim Volynskii i ego evreiskii tsykl (Akim Volynskii and his Jewish cycle), Belgrade, 2011.
For additional information please see: elenatolstaya.com