Research Interests
Russian-Jewish history of late Imperial and late Soviet period, World War I, national movements in Eastern Europe and the "Jewish Question".
Selected publications
The Russian Army and the Jewish Population, 1914–1917: Libel, Persecution, Reaction (Cham: Palgrave Macmillan, Palgrave Critical Studies of Antisemitism and Racism, 2022), 305 pages.
Russian Army and Jews, 1914-1917 [in Russian], (Moscow: Mosty Kultury, 2018), 448 pages.
Edited Volumes
Jewish Migration in Modern Times: The Case of Eastern Europe, co-editor, special issue of East European Jewish Affaires, vol. 47, 2017, pp. 127-291 (book edition: London and New York: Routledge, 2019, 202 pages).
Refereed Articles and Book Chapters
- “Becoming Jews: The Petersburg Jewish University in the 1990s”, in: Becoming Post-Communist. Jews And The New Political Cultures Of Russia And Eastern Europe, STUDIES IN CONTEMPORARY JEWRY, volume XXXIII, edited by Eli Lederhendler (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2023) , pp.139-162.
- “Liberalism, Nationalism and the “Jewish Question” amid the Latter Stages of the Russian Empire”, in: Making History Jewish, edited by Scott Ury and Pawel Maciejko (Leiden – Boston: Brill, 2020), pp. 149-172.
- “Dubnow's Nationalism in Context: 'Essays on Old and New Judaism' and Dubnow's Russian and Polish Contemporaries”, [in Hebrew], Zion (3, 2012), pp. 317-340.
- “The "Jew" as a Historical Concept in Imperial Russia” [in Russian], in: Meanings of Russia: Historical Semantics of the Imperial Period, vol. II, edited by Alexei Miller and Denis Sdvizhkov, (Moscow: Novoe Literaturnoe Obozrenie, 2012), pp. 340 - 391.
- “Jews as Cosmopolitans, Foreigners, Revolutionaries: Three Images of the Jew in Polish and Russian Nationalist Ideology at the End of the Nineteenth to the Early Twentieth Century”, European Review of History - Revue Européene d’Histoire (ERH), (17, no. 3, 2010)