Academic interests: History of the Russian Literature of the XXth century; Russian-Jewish cultural contacts and interaction; Russian literature of the XX century in exile.
Selective list of key publications:
Osip Dymov. I Remembered and Wanted to Relate...: From the Memoir and Epistolary Heritage: In two volumes, vol. 1: This Is What I Remember / Transl. from Yiddish by M. Lemster; Ed. with a preface and commentaries by V. Khazan. 714 p. vol. 2: Friends and Fellow Artists / Compilation and commentaries by V. Khazan. The Hebrew University of Jerusalem; Center of Slavic Languages and Literatures,2011. 566 p. (in Russian) - resume
Michail Zetlin (Amari), Zel'noe chuvstvo. Sobranie stikhotvorenii. Preface, preparation of the text, compilation and commentaries by V. Khazan (Moscow, Vodolei, 2011) (in Russian)
A.Z. Steinberg. Literary Archipelago. Introduction, preparation of the text, compilation, and commentaries by N. Portnova and V. Khazan (Moscow 2009), 401 pp. (in Russian) - content
Pinchas Rutenberg: From terrorist to Zionist. In two volumes (Jerusalem-Moscow 2008), 976 pp. (in Russian)
The Odyssey of Captain Boevsky: A Russian Sailor in the Holy Land (Moscow 2007), 422 pp. (in Russian) - content
Petersburg in the Poetry of Russian Emigration (the first and second waves). Introduction, preparation of the text, and commentaries by R. Timenchik and V. Khazan (St.-Petersburg 2006), 847 pp. (in Russian)
Semjon Lutskii. Collected Writings. Preparation of the text, compilation, introduction, and commentaries by V. Khazan (Stanford 2002; Stanford Slavic Studies, vol. 23), 434 pp. (in Russian)
Problems of Russian-Jewish Literary Dialogue of the XXth Century (Jerusalem-Moscow 2001), 431 pp. (in Russian) - content
A.V. Azarkh-Granovskaia. Memoirs. With a preface by V. Khazan; Commentaries by V. Khazan and G. Kazovsky (Jerusalem-Moscow 2001), 197 pp. (in Russian)
Dovid Knout: The Fate and Creative Work (Lyon 2000), 209 pp. (in Russian) - content
Manuscripts Don’t Burn: From History of the Russian Literature of the XXth Century: In two volumes. Compilation by A. Dolgov, A. Katsev, and V. Khazan (Bishkek 1999), 760 pp. (in Russian)
Dovid Knout. Collected Writings: In two volumes. Compilation and commentaries by V. Khazan (Jerusalem 1997-1998), 1100 pp. (in Russian)
On the History of Russian Poetry of the Silver Age. Vol. 1 (Grozny 1992), 120 pp. (in Russian)
O. Mandelshtam and A. Akhmatova: Outlines of Dialogue (Grozny 1992), 277 pp. (in Russian)
O. Mandelshtam. “Sokhrani Moiu Rech’...”: Collected Poems. Compilation and preface by V. Khazan (Grozny 1991), 486 pp. (in Russian)
The Theme of Death in Lyric Cycles of the Russian Poets of the XXth Century (S. Esenin, M. Tsvetaeva, A. Akhmatova) (Grozny 1990), 171 pp. (in Russian)
Psychological and Pedagogical Bases of Teaching Literature in School (Moscow 1988), 255 pp. (co-authorship with prof. V. Kan-Kalik) (in Russian)
Problems of S. Esenin’s Poetics (Moscow-Grozny 1988), 185 pp. (in Russian)
Jews and Slavs, vol. 17: The Russian Word in the Land of Israel, the Jewish Word in Russia (Jerusalem 2006), 370 pp. (editor-in-chief).
“Palestine/Israel in Russian Culture: Literary Topos and Cultural Area,” New Literary Observation (Moscow), N 73 (2005) (compiler and editor)
The Russian Emigration: Literature. History. Chronicle of Films (Jerusalem-Tallinn 2004), 420 pp. (editor-in-chief)
Jews and Slavs, vol. 14: Festschrift Professor Ilya Serman (Moscow-Jerusalem 2000), 338 pp. (member of the editorial board)
Russian Jews – Immigrants in France (Moscow-Paris-Jerusalem 2000), 416 pp. (member of the editorial board)
Between the East and West. Jews in Russian and European Culture (Tallinn 2000), 294 pp. (member of the editorial board)
Problems of Eternal Values in the Russian Culture and Literature of the XXth Century (Grozny 1991), 314 pp. (editor-in-chief)
Common to All Mankind and Eternal Values in Literature of the XXth Century (Grozny 1989), 214 pp. (editor-in-chief)
Eternal Themes and Images in the Soviet Literature (Grozny 1989), 149 pp. (editor-in-chief)
The Reader and Modern Literary Process (Grozny 1989), 288 pp. (editor-in-chief)
Soviet Literature and the Caucasus (Grozny 1987), 103 pp. (editor-in-chief)
Publication of Archive Papers
"Vy... zanimaete v moem panteone odno iz glavenstvuiushchikh mest": Pis'ma Iu. P. Trubetskogo I. A. i B. N. Buninym (1948-1961), in: I. A. Bunin, Novye materialy (Moscow: Russkii Rut'), v. II, pp. 225-266 (content).
“‘Seven Years’: History of the Edition (Correspondence between V.S. Varshavsky and R.N. Greenberg),” The New Review (New York) (2010 n 258), pp. 177-224 (in Russian)
“‘We Serve neither the Parties, nor the States, but to Man’,” Toronto Slavic Quarterly (University of Toronto Academic Electronic Journal in Slavic Studies (<2009> n 34) http://www.utoronto.ca/tsq/29/hazan29.shtml (in Russian)
“Two Plots on the Topic of the ‘Russian Literature of the Silver Age’,” L’âge d’argent dans la culture russe (Lyon 2007; Modernités russes, 7), pp. 176-200 (in Russian)
“Sketches for the Portrait of Pinchas Rutenberg (Based on Israeli Archival Sources),” The Archive of a Jewish History. Vol. 3 (Moscow 2006), pp. 314-33 (in Russian)
“The Past is Going Before My Eyes [O. Dymov’s Memoirs],” Paralleli [Parallels] (Moscow), N 6/7 (2005), pp. 186-247 (in Russian)
“The Russian Sailor in the Holy Land (New Details for A. Boevsky’s Biography),” Documental Heritage for the History of the Russian Culture in the Archives of Our Country and Abroad (Moscow 2005), pp. 89-108 (in Russian)
“On the History of Russian-Jewish Relationships: The Letters of Russian Writers to L.B. Jaffe,” The Archive of a Jewish History. Vol. 2 (Moscow 2005), pp. 407-40 (co-authorship with prof. B. Horowitz, Tulane Univ., USA) (in Russian)
“‘I Placed My Faith in Russia’: Letters of Ya. A. Bromberg to A. Z. Steinberg,” The Archive of a Jewish History (Moscow 2004), pp. 320-76 (in Russian)
“From the Correspondence between V. A. Zalkind and B. Yu. and A. N. Pregel,” Bulletin of the Hebrew University, N 9(27) (2004), pp. 367-84 (in Russian)
Jacov Weinshal, “Memoirs,” Diaspora: New Materials. IV (Paris; St-Petersburg 2002), pp. 7-71 (in Russian)
Articles in Scholarly Editions
“‘He Was a Poet not Only His Poems, but in His Life’: Materials for the Portrait of Michail Zetlin,” Around of the Editorial Archives of “The Modern Notes” (Paris, 1920-1940) (Moscow 2010), pp. 66-103 (in Russian) - content 1 - content 2
“Around of Alexander Ginger and Dovid Knut (Three Notes of the Russian Émigré Poetry),” Vademecum: Festschrift to Honor of Lazar Fleishman (Moscow 2010), pp. 530-59 (in Russian)
“Petersburg in the Poetry of the Russian Emigration,” Preserving Petersburg: History, Memory, Nostalgia / Ed. by H. Goscilo and S. M. Norris (Indiana University Press 2008), pp. 115-41 (in English)
“He Rescued All the Cultural and Human Valuable Things (Maxim Gorky and Pinchas Rutenberg),” Sankirtos: Studies in Russian and Eastern European Literature, Society and Culture: In Honor of Tomas Venclova / Ed. by R. Bird, L. Fleishman and F. Poljakov (Frankfurt am Main 2008), pp. 300-24 (in Russian)
“Sobol’, Andrei <Biography>,” The YIVO Encyclopedia of Jews in Eastern Europe / Ed.-in-chief G.D. Hundert, vol 2 (Yale University Press 2008), pp. 1767-68 (in English)
“Tele-Radio Authority in Literature: Notes on the Topic,” Russian Literature (Amsterdam), LXII (2007) n II, pp. 175-206 (in Russian)
“The Materials for Osip Dymov’s Biography,” The Real Life of Pierre Delalande: Studies in Russian and Comparative Literature to Honor Alexander Dolinin / Ed. D. M. Bethea <et al.>, part 2 (Stanford 2007; Stanford Slavic Studies, vol 34) pp. 420-42 (in Russian)
“Andrei Sobol’ in Odessa” Moria (Odessa) (2007, n. 8), pp. 145-78 (in Russian)
“Pinchas Rutenberg, Odessa 1919” Moria (Odessa) (2007, n 7), pp. 120-45 (in Russian)
“Whether Was Everything in a Reality? (Commentary for the One of Literary-Biographical Mystification)” A Century’s Perspective: Essays on Russian Literature in Honor of Olga Raevsky Hughes and Robert P. Hughes (Stanford 2006), p. 464-89 (in Russian)
“Between Russia and Palestine (Materials on P. Rutenberg’s Biography from his Israeli Archive” Jews and Slavs, vol. 17: The Russian Word in the Land of Israel, the Jewish Word in Russia. (Jerusalem 2006), pp. 55-77 (in Russian)
“On the One Probably Polemics, or Berlin Impulses of Jabotinsky’s Novel ‘Samson Nazorei’” Russian Berlin (Moscow 2006), pp. 239-62 (in Russian)
“A Jewish Accent of the Euroasia Movement” Quadrivium: Festschrift on Honor of Prof. W. Moskovich (Jerusalem 2006), pp. 339-46 (in Russian)
“The Jewish Pattern of Andrey Sobol in the Mirror of the Russian Revolution (Materials for the Writer’s Biography” The World Crisis of 1914-1920 and the Fate of the East European Jewry (Moscow 2005), pp. 342-68 (in Russian)
“Two Fragments on the Topic ‘Zionism and Literature’” New Literary Observation (Moscow), N 73 (2005), pp. 100-08 (in Russian)
“On Some Metaphors of Fear in the Russian Émigré Literature” Semiotics of Fear (Paris-Moscow 2005), pp. 280-308 (in Russian)
“On the V. Chernov’s Palestine Visit” History and Culture of Russian and East European Jewry: New Sources, New Approaches (Moscow 2004), pp. 324-32 (in Russian)
“Some Observations on the Early Years of Émigré Poetry” The Russian Emigration: Literature. History. Chronicle of Films (Jerusalem-Tallinn 2004), pp. 158-75 (in Russian)
“On the Notes of Semantic Poetics of Radio and Telegraph in Poetry of the XX th Century” Wiener Slawistischer Almanach, Bd. 53 (2004), pp. 43-71 (in Russian)
“Some B. Pastersnak’s Allusions in the Russian Émigré Literature (Preliminary Notices)” A Literary Text As a Literary Text (Bydgoszcz 2004), pp. 167-85 (in Russian)
"Two Plots about Clothes and Shoes in Russian Émigré Literature" Slavic Almanac (The South African Journal for Slavic, Central and Eastern European Studies) (2004, vol. 10, n 1), pp. 41-62 (in Russian)
“A Small Writer of the ‘Unnoticed Generation’” A Second Prose (Tallinn 2004), pp. 216-45 (in Russian)
“Two H. Wells’ Plots in the Writings of the Russian and Jewish Literature” Jews and Slavs, vol. 14: Festschrift Professor Ilya Serman (Moscow-Jerusalem 2004), pp. 267-72 (in Russian)
“Some Notices on the Margins of the Research Studies of the Russian Literature in Emigration” Canadian-American Slavic Studies (2003, Spring-Summer, vol. 37, n 1-2), pp. 133-40 (in Russian)
“From the Notes on the Russian-Jewish Literary Dialogue” Jews and Slavs, vol. 11: Jewish-Polish and Jewish-Russian Contacts (Jerusalem-Gdansk 2003), pp. 299-302 (in Russian)
“Some Notes about M. Tsvetaeva’s Influence on the Émigré Poetry” Marina Tsvetaeva: Epoch. Culture. Fate (Moscow 2003), pp. 154-67 (in Russian)
“On Some Qualities of Émigré Topos” Humanitaro zinatnu vestnesis (Daugavpils), 2003, vol. 3, pp. 37-49 (in Russian)
“‘My Atlantics is Russia’ (On Some Features of a ‘Sea Myth’ in the Russian Émigré Poetry” From the Other Shore (Toronto), 2002, vol. 2, pp. 1-20 (in Russian)
“Isaak Babel: Jewish and Non-Jewish Intertextuality” Sine arte, nihil (Beograd-Moscow 2002), pp. 170-77 (in English) - Remarques- (http://www.utoronto.ca/slavic/tsq/032002/hazan3.html)
“On the ‘Jewish Accent’ of Russian Writers (Some Notes)” Jews and Slavs, vol. 9: Festschrift to Honor Professor Jacob Allerhand (Jerusalem-Vienna 2001), pp. 338-55 (in Russian)
“‘Changing Illness into Poems.’ Three Remarks about the Motives of Illness and Death in the Poetry of Russian Émigré Authors,” Studia litteraria Polono-Slavica, vol. 6 (Warszawa 2001), pp. 295-306 (in Russian)
“The Special Jewish-Russian Air...’ Some Notes of Russian-Jewish Literary Links” Between the East and West. Jews in Russian and European Culture (Tallinn 2000), pp. 80-113 (in Russian)
“Two Episodes from the Russian Masonic History in Paris” Russian Jews – Immigrants in France (Moscow-Jerusalem-Paris 2000), pp. 307-77 (in Russian)
“On M. Talov’s Collection of Poems ‘Life and Hungry’ (Paris, 1920)” The Russian Poetry: 1920 (Daugavpils 2000), pp. 87-97 (in Russian)
“‘Le monde par mon soufflé vit’ (Contribution la biographie d’Ariane Skriabine)” Slavica occitania (Toulouse) (2000, n 10), pp. 195-207 (in French)