Academic Interests: General and Slavic Linguistics, Modern Russian Political Language, The Language of the Russian Youth, Ukrainian Language and Literature, Polish Language and Literature, Languages of Jews in the Diaspora, Yiddish Language and Culture, History of Jews in Eastern Europe, Jewish-Slavic Relations, Emigration, Assimilation and Acculturation.
List of Selected Publications:
1. Statistics and Semantics, Moscow, "Nauka", 1969 (in Russian)
2. Information Languages, Moscow, "Nauka", 1971 (in Russian, Czech translation, Prague, 1974)
3. Dictionary of Key Words to the International Patent Classification, Moscow, "Patent", 1972, 2 vols (in Russian)
4. Methodology of Dictionary Construction for Machine Translation, Moscow, "Patent", 1970 (in Russian)
5. Rising to the Challenge: Israel and the Absorption of Soviet Jews, London, Institute of Jewish Affairs, 1990
1. Slavische Elemente in Wortschatz der russischen Deutschen, IN: I. Fleischhauer (ed.) Die Deutschen in der UdSSR - einst und jetzt, Bonn, 1990
2. The Linguistic History of Jews: Investigation of Family Names, IN: Penn Language News, no. 3, Spring, 1991
3. The Language of Russian Emigration, IN: W. Moskovich et alia (eds) Russian Language and History, Jerusalem, 1991
4. Jews of Bukovina, IN: Bulletin of Czernowitz Jewish Social-Cultural Foundation, Czernowitz, 1989 (in Russian)
5. Changing Patterns of Soviet Political Discourse: 1985 to the Present, ISCIP Publication Series, Boston, N7, 1991 (Co-Author E. Mossman)
6. Two Essays on Jewish-Russian Language Contacts:
I. Russian Speech in Israel
II. The Yiddish Influence on Russian Speech in Odessa
IN: W. Moskovich (ed) Jews and Slavs, vol. 1, Jerusalem-St. Petersburgh, 1993 (in Russian)
7. The Slavic Component in the Dialects of the Karaim Language, idem (in Russian)
8. Mr. Khaurushenka, Miss Shaihets, Mrs. Hoika and others: The Origin of Some Unusual Family Names in East Slavic Areas, IN: V. Toporov (ed) Philologica Slavica, Moscow, "Nauka", 1993
8a. the same IN: D-B. Kerler (ed), The Politics of Yiddish, Walnut Creek-London-New Delhi, Altamira, 1998
9. Lessico di provinienza italiana nella lingua ukraina contemporanea, IN: L. Calvi (ed), Miti antichi e moderni tra Italia e Ukraina, Venice, 1999
10. Multiculturalism and National Relations in Galicia and Bukovina, IN: M. John and O. Luthar, Un-Verstaendnis der Kulturen. Multikulturalismus in historischer Perspektive, Klagenfurt-Ljubljana-Vienna, 1997
11. Ashkenazi Surnames of Lithuanian Origin, IN: W. Roell, S. Neuberg (eds), Jiddische Philologie, Tuebingen, Max Niemeyer, 1999
12. The Terminology of Modern Russian: Ultranationalism and Antisemitism, IN: J. A. Dunn (ed), Language and Society in Post-Communist Europe, Houndsmills and London, Macmillan Press, 1999
13. Czernowitz as a Major Centre of Jewish Identity and Culture, IN: Casopis za zgodovino in narodopisje (Review of History and Ethnography), vol. 36, parts 1-2, Maribor, 2000
14. Jews in Interethnic Relations in Bukovina, IN: M. Feller (ed), "Ukrains'ke jevreistvo" (Ukrainian Jewry), N3, Kiev, 1998 (in Ukrainian)
15. Foreword, IN: I. Kleiner, From Nationalism to Universalism Vladimir (Ze'ev) Zhabotinsky and The Ukrainian Question, Edmonton-Toronto, CIUS Press, 2000
16. Russian Political Terminology in the Past and in the Present, IN: L. N. Zybatow (ed), Sprachwandel in der Slavia, Frankfurt, M. P. Lang, 2000
17. Features of Antisemitic Propaganda in Modern Russia, IN: Jews and Antisemitism in Public Discourse of the Post-Communist European Countries, Jerusalem, 2000
18. A Type of Humoristic Macaronic Songs of Ukrainian Jews, IN: A. Pavan et alii (eds), L'Ukraina del 18 secolo, Venice, 2000
19. Jewish Periodicals in Ukraine Since 1988, IN: W. Moskovich et alii (eds), "Jews and Slavs", vol. 5, Jerusalem, 1996
20. The Axis Jerusalem-Kyiv in the Works of Ukrainian Emigre Poet Moisei Fishbein, IN: W. Moskovich et alii (eds), "Jews and Slavs", vol. 6, Jerusalem-Ljubljana, 1999
21. Jewish Surnames of Ukrainian Origin, IN: W. Moskovich et alii (eds) "Jews and Slavs", vol. 7, Jerusalem-Kiev, 2000
22. Jubilee Notes on V. Zhabotinsky, IN: W. Moskovich et alii (eds), The Russian Jews - Immigrants in France, Jerusalem-Moscow, "Gesharim", 2000 (in Russian)
23. Galicia and Bukovina under Austrian Rule and After. Ethnic Problems and Interethnic Relations, IN: W. Moskovich (ed), "Jews and Slavs", vol. 9, Jerusalem-Vienna, 2001
24. Ukrainian Studies in Israel, IN: G.Brogi Bercoff et alii (eds.), Pagine di ucrainistica europea, Alessandria, 2001
25. Leksicheskie zaimstvovanija iz italjanskogo v vostochnoslavjanskikikh jazykakh (Lexical Borrowings from Italian in East Slavic Languages) IN: "Russica Romana",In Ricordo di Michele Colucci II,vol.IX,Pisa-Rome,2002
26. "Sema "palomnichestvo" v sovremennykh slavjanskikh jazykakh (The Seme "Pilgrimage in Modern Slavic Languages), IN: W.Moskovich and S.Schwarzband (eds),"Jews and Slavs", vol. 10, Jerusalem, 2003
27. Hetman Ivan Mazepa's Love Letters, IN: G. Siedina (ed), Mazepa e il suo tempo.Storia, cultura, societa, Alessandria, 2004
28. Ljubovnye pis'ma hetmana Ivana Mazepy (Love Letters of the Hetman Ivan Mazepa), IN: W. Moskovich et alia (eds) "Jews and Slavs", vol.14, Festschrift Ilja Serman, Jerusalem, 2004.